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Beach soccer


Join the Montreal's Friendly Soccer League and enjoy!


Wanna play soccer in Montreal?

Benefit of our:

  • Pitches (turf, very well located)
  • Very competitve fees
  • Great referees
  • Reasonnable schedules!

Interested in? Then select the package you want in the lower tabs.


Beach-soccer (Downtown Conference)


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
[tooltip position=”top” color=”blue” delay=”0″ tooltiptext=”Recreative” tooltiphead=”Recreative level”]Recreational league is great for all kinds of players, but especially beginners or older players or very good players who just want to play for fun with their friends.[/tooltip]

2 teams

3 males

2 females

[tooltip position=”top” color=”blue” delay=”0″ tooltiptext=”Intermediate-recreative” tooltiphead=”Intermediate-recreative”]Players are in top shape but not very good or haven’t played for a long time. In general they are not very well trained.[/tooltip]  

[tooltip position=”top” color=”blue” delay=”0″ tooltiptext=”Intermediate” tooltiphead=”Intermediate level”]Intermediate leagues are for the best coed teams. Some play at the AA or AAA level. You should be in top shape to play at this level.[/tooltip]

[tooltip position=”top” color=”blue” delay=”0″ tooltiptext=”Masculine” tooltiphead=”Masculine leagues”]The first three levels are coed. The first three levels are coed. Men’s leagues are for teams that can’t find any female players. The level is often stronger than in the coed intermediate leagues.[/tooltip]

Spots still availabe are displayed.
Be care : it might have a couple of differences between info displayed and reality.



[colorbox title=”Registrations: Be care!” color=”#97004b”]

  • Summer sessions begins June 8, for 10 weeks
  • To secure a spot for your team, you’ll need to make a $300 deposit no later than 15 days before the session starts. Deposits cannot be refunded[/colorbox]

[spoiler title=”1- MISCELLEANOUS”] Look at the benefits if you join the Montreal’s Friendly Soccer League:

  • beach-soccer-3Teams and individual players are welcome
  • 1 hour per week
  • Always on the same day
  • Choose your evening (Monday to Thursday), between 6 pm and 8 pm
  • At least one male or female player must always be on the pitch, except in the men’s leagues
  • 7X7 games
  • Referees with considerable experience
  • 1 free ball!
  • [tooltip position=”top” color=”orange” delay=”0″ tooltiptext=”Physical contacts and tackles are forbidden” tooltiphead=”Don’t forget this is a Friendly league! “]Look at the rules to learn more[/tooltip]
  • Fees: team = $249 + tax, player = $49 + tax, 2 players = 69$ + tx



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