Wanna play soccer in Montreal?
Benefit of our:
- Pitches (turf, very well located)
- Very competitve fees
- Great referees
- Reasonnable schedules!
Interested in? Then select the package you want in the lower tabs.
Beach-soccer (Downtown Conference)
Spots still availabe are displayed.
Be care : it might have a couple of differences between info displayed and reality.
[colorbox title=”Registrations: Be care!” color=”#97004b”]
- Summer sessions begins June 8, for 10 weeks
- To secure a spot for your team, you’ll need to make a $300 deposit no later than 15 days before the session starts. Deposits cannot be refunded[/colorbox]
[spoiler title=”1- MISCELLEANOUS”] Look at the benefits if you join the Montreal’s Friendly Soccer League:
Teams and individual players are welcome
- 1 hour per week
- Always on the same day
- Choose your evening (Monday to Thursday), between 6 pm and 8 pm
- At least one male or female player must always be on the pitch, except in the men’s leagues
- 7X7 games
- Referees with considerable experience
- 1 free ball!
- [tooltip position=”top” color=”orange” delay=”0″ tooltiptext=”Physical contacts and tackles are forbidden” tooltiphead=”Don’t forget this is a Friendly league! “]Look at the rules to learn more[/tooltip]
- Fees: team = $249 + tax, player = $49 + tax, 2 players = 69$ + tx