Final Tournament: October 19 and 20!

La Coupe de la Ligue amicale de soccer de Montréal

Here are the schedules of the final tournament:

              • Saturday, October 19
                • 2pm – 3:45 pm: Montreal Impact game
                • 4:30 pm –  à 6pm: Recreative league
                • 6:15pm – 7:45pm: Intermediate-recreative league
                • 8pm to 9:30pm: Intermediate league
          • Sunday, October 20: Masculine league, 4pm – 5:45pm


There will be semi-finals and finals. Semi-finales will last 30mn, finals 45mn.

Losing teams might fight for the third place.

Every games will be at Parc Pierre-Dupuis



Qualified teams

Les vainqueurs de la Ligue amicale de soccer de Montréal!

The following teams are qualified for the tournamnet:

Level/Qualif Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Recreative 100% Sexy Shiraz New Team Orange sanguine
Recreative-intermediate TBD dim Real Montréal TBD mardi TBD mercredi
Intermediate L’Éclair FC Kérosène Arsenal TBD jeudi
Masculine Brakassés Cassos TBD dim TBD dim

Teams in red are still to be determinded.

[infobox type=”warning” clickable=”no” boldtext=”Confirm!”]Qualified teams must contact us befoire Monday, October 14, 2pm to confirm they will come. If they don’t, we”ll search for new teams.[/infobox]



Rules reminder

  • One boy or girl must always be on the field (except masculine leagues)
  • Players who received one red card or two yellow cards during the regular season can’t play play-offs
  • It is strictly forbidden to get new players but if you have too many injured players. Then, you might have two subs
  • You must arrive in time elsewhere you will lose.
  • If your team gest 2 yellow cars or 1 red card, it is automatically disqualified
  • Check the rules to know every details.
  • Only winners of this tournament win the Cup and the medals.

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